Cloud privé

Hardware work environment

Equipment serving your business

ICT solutions

The transformation of your company’s IT must follow the same trends as those already engaged in the general public.

When choosing devices to connect to your company’s information system, go for fast, flexible and multimedia ones. Your hardware must enable you to push your limits, thanks to the opening of communications, the Internet and wireless networks. Also consider Bring Your Own Device (BYOD). You will have an exceptional user experience, fluid and interactive in a centralised and secure company context.

Quality service and proximity

Choosing appropriate hardware contributes to your company’s competitiveness and versatility. Stay as close to your customers as possible.


Experience and a strong partnership with cutting-edge manufacturers guarantee your project’s success.

Relevance and performance

Equip yourself with products matching your business needs and the employees who make up your company.

Ideally suited equipment

Our methodical approach guarantees that you will make the right choice. Auditing and classifying the activities and users will make it possible to model the right processes for transforming a physical environment into a modern and digitised workspace.

Benefit from solid experience

We draw on our knowledge of the market to advise you on the choice of the constituent solutions of your collaborative environment. Our teams are there to support you in all phases of constructing your new platform.


Tailored, reliable, scalable and versatile solution

Easy connection, without stress or complexity

Speed, ease of use

Security in line with the rules and regulations

Experience and references in all lines business

Expertise and commitment of our teams

Integration with the existing company components

Device as a service

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