Make mobility rhyme with productivity! Switch to the cloud with the Proximus NXT solutions. You will enjoy a flexible IT environment that can increase your performance and reduce your costs. The simplification of the procedures and the IT management give you the time to refocus on your core activity and increase agility. They comprise all the following services:

The cloud application services can help you run your company more efficiently and effectively: improvement of tools and service for the users, rapid and simple deployment of new tools and applications, structuring of management data and improvement of procedures, reduction of operating costs…
The private cloud offer of Telindus has many advantages under managed hosting or self-service: simplification of information technology, cost control and predictability, reduction of risk relating to innovation, agility and performance, adaptation of expenses to needs or reduction of the Total Cost of Ownership (TCO).
The Proximus NXT cloud strategy service helps to define the target vision for the transformation.
In order to address the digital transformation and the evolving IT needs of our customers, Proximus NXT has developed a new hybrid cloud offering by leveraging its existing private cloud services and partnership with recognized public cloud actors (Microsoft Azure and AWS and Google Cloud).
Based on its many years of experience and in collaboration with the mayor cloud providers Amazon Web Services, Google and Microsoft, Telindus has developed a complete pallet of service to provide an all-around service portfolio ranging from helping customers with their strategy to running their infrastructure and services in the cloud!