
ChatBot solution

NGC (Next Gen Communication)

Unified collaboration

Give users new ways to interact with your product by building engaging voice and text-based conversational interfaces, such as voice apps and chatbots, powered by AI.

Guarantee assistance and support at all times

Available 24/7, a chatbot responds to the immediacy of customer service. Consumers can therefore request customer services - equipped with a digital care solution like the chatbot - day and night.

Collect feedback.

The chatbot gives voice to customers through a service evaluation at the end of a conversation or transaction or through a comment. The opportunity for the company to know how it is perceived from the outside but also to quickly recontact a dissatisfied customer.

Decongesting support services

The chatbot has the ability to mass process the most recurring and basic requests. This allows teams to free up their time and focus their efforts on high value-added requests.

Improve customer engagement

Chatbot allows you to analyze the customer journey and improve your services and their user experience.  Being able to provide an instant and personalized response contributes to customer engagement. Satisfied users are more likely to be engaged!

Improve the customer experience

The chatbot allows to increase its availability and the resulting satisfaction. It is available to answer customers' questions at any time, and it always transmits the information corresponding to the request.  

A Persistent Human Bond

The chatbot responds to all requests, as long as the information is in its applications. If ever the customer still wishes to exchange with a human about an intervention, he will only have to ask for it and the chatbot will transmit it to the company's teams.


Logical language associations such as "Hello" with "Salut"

Management of sentence variants

History retention, providing a continuous experience

Word comprehension, despite spelling and syntax errors

Display the desired response in record time

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