Communication unifiée

Unified Communication

Phone system and collaboration experience

Unified collaboration

IP telephony, fixed-mobile convergence, video conferencing, collaboration, instant messaging… The list of company means of communication is very extensive nowadays. Merging all these services enables you to interact efficiently, in real time, helping you achieve your targets. The ability to react quickly, together with the quality of your actions, are key to achieving your goals and developing your business. Business applications combined with telephony now enable you to collaborate very simply with colleagues, partners and customers, and to perform your activities ever faster and more efficiently. “Click to compose”, presence management and mobility tools:  pick up new habits quickly with intuitive and innovative tools.


Develop the performance of your teams by giving them the means of communication most appropriate to their activity. Access your work tools and share your files whenever and wherever you are – in meetings, at home or on the road.


This Telindus solution fits directly and simply in with your office automation tools, making it easier to manage your environment.


Use the chat tool to communicate easily, with faster and more direct responses. Similarly, the “presence” feature indicates whether an employee is present, avoiding wasting time.

Optimise your communications

Find your contacts easily with the presence tool. No need to disturb somebody in a meeting anymore – just send him a message.  Unlike e-mail, you’ll see whether he has received the message, or even an appropriate answer received faster.

Give your staff the tools they need

Use well-known concepts from the private sphere in a professional environment. Through offering this service to your company, you avoid creating a parallel IT (shadow IT) and the risk of losing control of your data and their confidentiality.


Click to call

Click to conference

Screen sharing by up to 8 persons

Control of your telephone

Integration with your office automation tools or business applications

Simple configuration

Interfaces adapted to several devices (PC, smartphone, tablet)

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