Their goals
Develop an irreproachable service quality for a dual clientele: the end customers and Auchan staff
Ensure control and cost transparency: clear contracts, flexibility in the environment implementation, etc
Avoid the multiplication of interlocutors by choosing a partner offering a wide range of services and a strong integration capacity to cover the entire range of needs, from the datacenter to the end customer
Successful transformation of a physical model to the digital: Auchan defends a phygital model that allows customers to live new shopping experiences by combining the strength of the traditional store and the flexibility of eCommerce
Ensure a long-term technological watch

The challenge
Connect 100% of Auchan Luxembourg’s staff to new mobile and digital solutions

The solutions
Dealing with the technical obsolescence of networks and setting up new network solutions to open the way to more digital and mobility
Network security, improvement of inter-site connectivity, (partial) renewal of the optical fiber to meet the requirements of new digital solutions, implementation of hotspot solutions to ensure the access of end-users to Internet

The results
Auchan Luxembourg has now entered the final phase of its transformation program
Major milestones have been achieved: upgrade, reliability, segmentation and network security, improved access to applications, mobility openness, virtualisation of cash lines, etc.
Based on these advances, most of which have been tested in the context of the opening of the new Auchan hypermarket in Differdange, the brand is now ready to finalise the transformation of its existing sites without impact on both customers and users
Creation of a strong synergy between Proximus NXT, the Auchan teams and third partner

The benefits
Cost control and transparency
Increased flexibility
Integration of new solutions with each other and the existing environment
Synergy of teams, skills and action with a local and multitechnologies partner

''At Auchan, the digitalisation passes through the hypermarket. It is this anchoring in ‘brick and mortar’ stores that allows us to establish and maintain a close relationship with our customers and differentiates us from pure Internet platforms. New challenges are emerging for Auchan Luxembourg and Proximus NXT clearly has a place at our side to meet these.''
Auchan in short
To carry out its IT transformation program, Auchan Luxembourg called on Proximus NXT: strong technological integration capacity, highly secured datacenters, multidisciplinarity, quality of customer relations are all assets that convinced the retail group to rely on the leader of convergent ICT and telecom services in Luxembourg. As part of this program, Proximus NXT experts are called upon to intervene at the level of purchasing central, logistics, hypermarkets and Auchan Drive, which involves meeting the needs of administrative tools, embedded solutions, customer relations, mobility and digital. It is Proximus NXT’ ability to master these different technological knowhows and capacity to integrate them that makes it a valuable partner for Auchan Luxembourg. Since the launch of the program in 2015, around a hundred Proximus NXT employees have been involved, from near and far, in the IT transformation of Auchan Luxembourg.