

An innovative payroll application
ICT solutions

Widely acclaimed in Luxembourg, our Apsal software is the reference solution for payroll calculation. We have analysed your payroll management needs carefully to develop an efficient tool adapted to all types of structures and business sectors. Performance, efficiency, user-friendliness and data security are the key words of our Apsal payroll solution.

Comprehensive solution

Apsal is a comprehensive solution allowing you to carry out all activities related to the processing and management of pay slips

Reactivity and proximity

As the software editor, our development team adapts rapidly to technological developments and changes in legislation

Online or on-site solution

Thanks to the flexibility of our offers you can choose the mode of installation: at your site or on our cloud

User-friendly and intuitive

This (Windows-based) dynamic, user-friendly and intuitive solution supports and assists you in your payroll management and processing. The time saved on data entry is a major advantage of this system. It covers all projects implemented to administer, mobilise and develop human resources

Benefit from a high-quality helpdesk and assistance

The performance and expertise of our team enable us to react rapidly and provide efficient help.

Your will be trained!

Our specialised team will provide quality training thanks to experience acquired over many years. Our knowledge of social legislation and our know-how will help you to quickly become efficient and autonomous.


User-friendly and intuitive (Windows-based software)

Available in multiple versions (flexible software, adaptable to the number of salaries processed)

Adapted to all types of companies and sectors: skilled craft companies, SMEs, SMIs, large companies, trust companies, accounting firms, non-profit associations, etc.

Configurable (management of access to certain fonctionalities and information)

Creative assistants (hours, bonuses, 13th month salaries, etc.)

Extensive selection of impressions

Multi-criteria search with configurable filter

Display and export of all printouts via Crystal reports

Different modules: analytic, worksite management, wage seizure and assignment, seculine, multiline, time management interface, human resources management interface, ApsalExcel interface

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