AWS cloud

Amazon Web Services

With its cloud computing platform Amazon Web Services (AWS), is one of the largest providers!


Amazon with its Amazon Web Services (AWS) cloud platform is probably one of the largest and first cloud providers, which initiated the exodus to Public Cloud platforms. With the largest public cloud service portfolio of all cloud service provider, many customers consider Amazon as the Swiss knife of cloud platforms. Our experts specialized and certified in Google Cloud technologies have built solutions and are operating services for a large panel of customers ranging from the financial institutions to industrials and family businesses in Luxembourg and abroad

With Proximus NXT, companies have been accelerating the transition to public cloud solutions and modernizing their IT by keeping control and harnessing the unknown.

Large pallet of services

With Amazon, companies can use a single provider and host all their services thanks to the more than 200 cloud services provided by AWS.

World scale services

Amazon is one of the largest cloud providers in the world with a global content delivery network (CDN) but also outpost possibilities (AWS Outpost).

Leading cloud technologies

Amazon is one of the inventor of modern IT platforms and services with services such as Amazon short notification service (SNS) or Amazon simple storage service (S3).

Easy to use solutions

Creating a context has never been easier. With AWS, an AWS account can be created within minutes and comes already pre-configured making it easier than ever to start using cloud solutions. Services such as S3 have in the meantime, become a standard protocol for storage and is being supported by most service providers.

Leader in the cloud revolution

In addition of being the multi-tool of IT platforms,  Andy Jassy’s AWS has been revolutionizing the Cloud world since many years by being, for example, one of the first to offer 100% SLA on certain services (in this specific case, AWS Route 53 – their DNS service)

Flexible model

Leveraging a pay-per-use model or reducing costs with committed use, customers using AWS can chose to be invoiced in various ways simplifying their pricing model and moving from a CAPEX to OPEX mode.


Ease the transition by easy-to-use solutions such as AWS Redshift and SageMaker

Leverage agile and devops oriented services such as AWS lambda and others .

Make use of standard solutions such as S3 or AWS EC2

Transition to a world scale infrastructure to provide global services and a global reach to your business

Benefit of Proximus NXT expertise and certified Cloud Solution Architects and Cloud Engineers.

Leverage Proximus NXT’ authorization to act as a Resource Operator (RO) and signatory to provide Amazon Web Services to financial institutions and other industries.

Leverage Proximus NXT’ Partner status to purchase Amazon Web Services

Create your AWS virtual private cloud (VPC) and customize it at will

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