Cloud event


@Cedric Mauny, Head of Cybersecurity Services at Telindus



Sodexo has considerably modernized connectivity at its various sites thanks to the Explore solution from Proximus NXT


Why  choose Proximus NXT ?

Based on an analysis of your business priorities, your global ICT landscape and your risk profile, we assist you in defining your security strategy. The result is a master plan and an optimal security infrastructure.


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Strategy, risk management and advice

To best manage the available resources (human, financial, time, etc.), Telindus proposes a strategy, risk management and advice solution, ensuring a good level of security and allowing you to continue running your business without problems.

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Proximus Luxembourg CSIRT

Furthermore, the shift to the cloud and acceleration of teleworking, has highlighted the need for organization to ensure protection for a variety of resources accessing the corporate network, resources that represent new opportunities for threat actors. Digital Forensics and Incident Response has become a central capability within the organization’s security strategy.

Learn more