Gesall is a multilingual, user-friendly accounting management tool adapted to the legal requirements of Luxembourg companies.
Gesall is a multilingual, user-friendly accounting management tool adapted to the legal requirements of Luxembourg companies.
Modular & risk weighted scoring for a Risk-Based Approach
Telindus has developed a real expertise in telephony and provides the best VoIP solutions, call management offers and even the integration of telephony in your applications, via modern pricing models. For you, this means unbeatable service for your customers.
Automated collection of Digital Data-Sets & Documents based on which information is presented in a structured manner
Trusted Identity based on biometric features : Biometric Recognition Facial, Liveness, Voice, prints, etc.
Stay connected to all 4 corners of the world!
Travel abroad in complete serenity with the Voyager Weekly pack. Telindus helps you manage your costs by offering you the best roaming solutions for your business. With "Voyager Weekly", you can make calls, send/receive SMS messages and surf the world.
Unified telephony and communication solution to propel your company to the cloud age. With U-touch, you can group all your means of communication to achieve your objectives simply and efficiently.