Make mobility rhyme with productivity! Switch to the cloud with the Telindus solutions. You will enjoy a flexible IT environment that can increase your performance and reduce your costs.
Make mobility rhyme with productivity! Switch to the cloud with the Telindus solutions. You will enjoy a flexible IT environment that can increase your performance and reduce your costs.
Technology changes our reality profoundly. Used separately, IoT, AI, blockchain or cloud, (...) have the potential to change the way we do business. But when used jointly, they become truly transformational. Imagine how these technologies could change your customers’, suppliers’, employees’ and business partners’ experience!
In the context of the pandemic, which is affecting almost the entire world, companies and organizations are trying to ensure the continuity of their activities.
Telindus has developed a flexible fast lane built as a Managed Service to enable any kind of organisation to use Robotic Process Automation, move towards Hyper Automation and all its induced benefits, taking into account possible concerns of Governance, Risk, Compliance, Finance, Security.
Codit Luxembourg drives Digital Transformation through Cloudification & Data Insights hand by hand with Proximus NXT.
In order to support its customers and partners in their innovation efforts within a co-creation mode, Telindus is rolling out a platform dedicated to 5G-based innovation projects.
On account of its history, Telindus is at the heart of the challenges faced by companies on the connectivity and network front. Our connectivity services feature the speed of fibre optics and give you access to a plethora of related solutions such as U-touch, U-flex…
Fixed telephony is still alive and kicking! Contacts with your partners and employees remain at the heart of your concerns, requiring a direct communication channel to maintain human relations.