Le NB-IoT (Narrow Band-IoT) est une technologie de communication sans fil standardisée, conçue spécifiquement pour l’Internet des Objets.  Utilisant une bande passante étroite, le NB-IoT permet une connexion fiable et économe en énergie pour les appareils nécessitant de transmettre de petites quantités de données sur de longues distances, tels que par exemple des compteurs d’eau souterrains, des solutions de parking ou d’éclairage public intelligents.

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AI Development

Unlocking the Power of AI Development

Intern Thomas spent his time at Codit building an AI chatbot capable of summarizing large documents. Using the LangChain framework, Thomas developed a sophisticated solution that shows the capabilities of AI and large language models (LLMs). In this blog series, we'll follow Thomas's step-by-step journey, from initial setup to the final product.

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About Proximus NXT

Proximus NXT Luxembourg supports all organizations in their digital transformation, by providing holistic ICT & Telecommunication solutions, as well as tailored managed services. With our partners and customers, we co-create opportunities and enable growth in a secure and sustainable manner. As a result of our unique expertise in next-gen IT services, mobile and advanced connectivity, we help our customers achieve their ambitions and realize their vision. Together with them and our partners we implement sovereign and trusted solutions that make people work smarter. www.proximusnxt.lu

The cloud is becoming an essential tool in effective IT management for businesses, and the range of cloud solutions continues to expand.

Codit Customer stories

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