Customer satisfaction survey

Customer Satisfaction Survey

Duration: 5min

You have recently been in contact with Telindus teams, either as part of a request for proposal or as part of an established business relationship.

In order to improve the quality of our services, we would like to collect your opinion through this short questionnaire, which will only take you 5 minutes to complete.

Your answers will be exclusively consulted by Telindus teams.

For more information, please do not hesitate to contact your usual Telindus representative

Customer Satisfaction Survey
Understanding of your needs
Solution explanation
Quality of the proposal
Presentation of the proposal
Response time
Overall communication
Proactiveness and responsiveness
Problem solving
Understanding of the Customer's context (business, constraints…)
Quality of advice
Sense of accountability
Quality of the report(s)
Structure of the report(s)
Presentation of the report(s)
Written expression
Call and contact frequency
Visit frequency
Information on new services
Quality and Price
Scoring compare to competition
HOW LIKELY IS IT THAT YOU WOULD RECOMMEND OUR COMPANY TO A COLLEAGUE OR FRIEND? On a scale of 0 to 10 (0= not at all likely; 10= very likely)