

Operate a smart meter management platform


Their goals

To set up and operate its smart meter management platform, Luxmetering chose to rely on Proximus NXT’ multiple expertise. Luxmetering was created in 2012 with the aim of designing and operating a national platform of smart meters for electricity and natural gas. "As there were no European standards in this field yet, we had to imagine the functionalities that smart meters had to offer, and this for their entire lifespan, i.e. about twenty years. The tasks entrusted to Luxmetering consist in coordinating the Smart Metering phase ("Smart Metering") in collaboration with the electricity and gas network operators throughout the country, to supervise the collection and daily processing of data from some 400,000 meters, and to transmit these data to the various network managers on a daily basis. 


The challenge

Set up a smart meter management platform

The challenge was significant since it was for the small Luxmetering team to set up a highly secure platform based on innovative technologies, and this in a market in the start-up phase. "To achieve our goals we chose to surround ourselves with highly specialised partners, each in their own field, and ready to invest in the development of a system that very few countries had already set up and for which no real experience yet existed. We also had to imagine, from the design phase, the security of such a system in the face of cyber-attacks.


The solutions

  • Implementation of a system that uses virtualization as little as possible and easy to manage

  • Establishment of the system in highly secure datacenters


The results

Today, Proximus NXT operates all layers of Luxmetering’s information system daily, from hardware to application services to operating systems, databases and datacentre communication. "Proximus NXT consultants are highly committed professionals who have been able to advise us at every step of our system’s implementation, testifies the director of Luxmetering. “The professionalism of the providers just as the critical size of the company were determining factors in our choice of Proximus NXT as a partner.


The benefits

  • Partnership that provides multiple expertise in systems operations

  • High performance SLA

  • Possibility to focus on their own goals

  • Performance improvement

A word from the client
A word from the client

''We needed a reliable partner for a seamless operation. In Proximus NXT we found a partner with multiple expertise allowing us to focus on our own objectives.''


Luxmetering in short

Luxmetering GIE’s mission is to act as a common operator of its members by defining the concepts and supporting the common operations related to smart metering, including the installation and operation of the central data collection and management system, as well as the smart metering features for electricity and natural gas.

The group will also provide these services, extended to the collection and management of data and functionalities of water and heat smart meters, to members of the group or to non-member actors.