
The Proximus NXT Container solutions:

from fully managed to fully self-served

Auteur : Telindus

For a few years already, Proximus NXT has been proposing a set of solutions for hosting containers on its U-flex platform which has become one of the largest IT outsourcing infrastructures in Luxembourg. With the evolution of IT hosting and related service’s needs, the U-flex platform has evolved to also support containers hosting at large scale, providing container management and orchestration solutions to its customers.


Proximus NXT Container Solutions

Over the years, Prohas had the opportunity to work with a multitude of solutions and platforms ranging from simple Kubernetes distributions to enterprise grade container platforms. Overall, the solutions that ended up sticking out are MicroK8S and RedHat’s OpenShift platform. 
In a nutshell: 

  • MicroK8s is the simplest production-grade and lightweight Kubernetes distribution perfectly adapted for small environments.  
  • RedHat OpenShift is an enterprise grade container platform providing all components to run Kubernetes and develop container-based applications.

Those two Kubernetes distributions allow Proximus NXT to offer Luxembourg-located container solutions which can match with the size and the budget of customers. 
In addition to providing a container-based solution in Luxembourg, Proximus NXT also tackled the next big challenge faced by its customers. How can an organization make sure, that when the times come, they can migrate to the cloud? That’s when the Microsoft Azure Arc, in combination with the chosen container platform, may provide the perfect plan. When working with locally based container platforms and enabling them with Azure Arc, organizations can already develop and adapt their applications to be in line with arc-enable services – and therefore adapt them for Azure leveraging cloud native services. The infrastructure is therefore in luxembourg, containerized but also, cloud-enabled – making it easier for a later move to the cloud. 
Using such a solution enables to leverage value added services and cooperate with software vendors to provide IT services such as API gateways and management platforms, AI based models (etc.) but also business solutions, ranging from core banking applications to accounting software or its DigitalKYC application. Companies can leverage U-flex to facilitate compliancy of their IT infrastructure with CSSF regulatory requirements whilst benefiting from modern services and technology.


Container Management Services

In addition to providing containers management software, Proximus NXT also provides a set of management and professional services for Kubernetes in general and RedHat’s OpenShift more in particular. This allows companies to benefit from fully managed Kubernetes as a Service (KaaS) in Luxembourg, with guaranteed enterprise-grade SLAs and 24/7 support. Depending on the customer needs, Proximus NXT can adapt its services to only manage the underlying infrastructure all-the-way to providing provide a fully managed container and Kubernetes platform.  The solution adapts to DevOps tooling, enabling customers to concentrate on developing their applications, adding new functionality and creating value.
If you require additional information on Proximus NXT’ container solutions and managed services, our experts will be happy to consult you in the best possible way. 

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