telindus and agile partner

Proximus NXT and Agile Partner join forces

Auteur : Telindus
Solutions ICT

Proximus NXT and Agile Partner join forces to support their customers’ digital transformation

Proximus NXT, one of the leaders in Cloud, ICT and convergent telecom services joins forces with Agile Partner, a company specialised in IT development, agile assistance and innovation. Together, they support Luxembourg companies of all sizes in their adaptation to the cloud at all levels: strategy, change and project management, software and infrastructure. 


It is by listening to the needs expressed by the companies that Agile Partner and Proximus NXT decided to concretise their partnership ambition.

The two companies thus complement each other’s cloud offerings and now offer an end to end support, covering both the application sphere, the infrastructure and consultancy.


A unique partnership with great potential

“It seemed natural to us to create a strong partnership with Agile Partner, a recognised expert in the transformation of applications, active on the Luxembourg market since 15 years. This partnership allows our customers to better understand all of the challenges posed by the digital transformation, while supporting their migration to the cloud at best. We are delighted to work with Agile Partner who, through its agile DNA, coaching expertise and user experience enhancement, facilitates an efficient innovation.” Says Patrick Benimedourene, Head of Product Management Unit at Proximus Luxembourg.

 “Be it for Start-ups, SMEs or large companies, the cloud is a usage and business accelerator. These 3 main types of companies have specific needs that we respond to through the development and transformation of customised software solutions, but also through the training and support of internal teams at the customer’s premises. Proximus NXT provides consulting in hybrid architecture, migration and management services in a multi-cloud environment that complement our global offer. Together, we have all the assets needed to carry out our mission of becoming the reference partners for companies facing the challenge of strategic transformation.” Adds Cédric Pontet, Head of Software Factory.


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